Thursday 24 November 2011

Why I love working from home

There are so many reasons I love working from home, but the reason that really reminded me this week was on Tuesday night when there was all this worry about freezing rain.  It started with a little argument about whose car was going in the garage, so they didn't have to scrape the car in the morning.  I just sat quietly staying out of that discussion. 

Then the morning came around and sure enough there was a layer of ice everywhere.  As I am lying in bed listening to people start their cars, scrapers scarping and wheels turning as they try to get up our hill, I glance over at the clock and see it is only 7 am.  Everyone is scampering out the door to try and get into work by 9 am.  Knowing that the Don Valley Parkway is backed up already this probably won't happen.  I roll over and enjoy the quiet knowing that I will not be late for work, will not be stressed driving down the highway and I won't feel like I have wasted 3 hours of my day just travelling. 

Yes on a day like today, I love working from home.


  1. Working from home has got some advantages and disadvantages as well.

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  2. You're right Jaylen there are definitely disadvantages as well, but on the first freezing rain storm of the season it was nice not having to drive to work
